About Mayfield

Being honest and trustworthy comes first in everything that we do.

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Our firm story

Founders Matt Arthur and Alex Rogers decided to start their own practice sales company focused on getting exceptional results for their clients. Fuelled with the insight earned from a combined 30+ years success in the dental industry, they chose as their next mission to create a dental brokerage offering a bespoke, personalised service to clients.

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How we started

After first working together in 2007 as accountants in James Hull Associates. Matt then spent many years working firstly in Mergers and Acquisitions. Then as a consultant to several large dental corporates, valuing practices and providing financial due diligence reports. Alex founded his own outsourcing company, providing services to dental corporates large and small. In 2019 they decided to start Mayfield to use their experience and knowledge to get their clients a successful sale tailored specifically to them. Avoiding all the pitfalls that can come with a sale and using their knowledge to optimise their clients deals.

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What makes us unique

By working for both sellers and the largest buyers in the market, we are able to understand and pinpoint all of the minor details that can make or break a deal. This puts our client in an advantageous position to achieve maximum value. We provide a personal service by only taking on a few select practices at a time and giving those clients 100% of their attention from valuation right through to completion.

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The personal touch

We understand what an emotional and often daunting experience selling your practice can be. You want to ensure most importantly that you get it right first time and that you maximise your financial outcome. As owners of our own dental practices, we are also in the unique position of knowing every aspect inside out. There is no element that we won’t understand or won’t have heard of.

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Our impact in numbers

We are extremely proud of our reputation in the industry but more importantly, we want our clients to always feel in safe hands and be confident in their sale.

Combined years of experience
Completed FDD reports for largest corporate buyers
Million raised in Private equity finance
Average increase in value achieved for our clients
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Meet our team

Each member of our team brings a unique quality to Mayfield and we believe firmly that our team are our strength. We work hard and are ambitious. We know what Mayfield can achieve and what we can achieve for our clients.

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Our Values

To make a positive impact on our clients and the causes we believe in.

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Financial Precision

We have seen what an impact one wrong number can have, so financial accuracy is intrinsic to us as a company.

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We won’t tell you what you want to hear but what is the truth. Honesty comes first in everything we do.

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We always think outside of the box. Every option is explored to find the best buyer for you.

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At the Forefront

We strive to be at the front of the market knowledge, developing our financial models and our knowledge of emerging buyers.

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Strong Core Team

We are a small, close team with a strong reputation in the industry. We all bring something different to the team and have a fun time doing it!

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Collective Journey

We strongly believe that working together brings better results. Whether that is with our clients, as a team or with the charities we support.